Firstly sorry for the lack of updates here at Gambling Cash Cow as I have been extremely busy. I will do my best to write at least a couple of new articles each week during 2011. I’m sure many of you are aware that Google has been clamping down on Google News approved sites. I’m sorry to say that many webmaster have seen their sites lose Google New approval during the last few months. Here are a couple of tips to ensure you keep Google happy and retain your Google News approved status.

Be extremely careful with external links in your Google News articles. If you are intending to cash in on Google News by either selling links in Google News posts or including affiliate links in your Google News articles then the chances are high you will lose Google News approval in the near future. Even some established sites that have been Google News approved for a number of years have lost Google News approval during the last few months.

Ensure all your Google News articles are 100% unique and pass Copyscape 100%. I know of 2 webmasters who have lost their Google News status because their articles included too many quotes from other Google News articles. Create quality unique fresh news content and you will be fine.

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