I just want to take the time to thank each and every one of the readers of this site for your superb support. I’m staggered at the amount of traffic the Gambling Cash Cow is generating. It is of course early days for this site as we have a long way to go.
We have had a slight problem securing this month interview as the account manager is heavily involved in a major advertising campaign. However he has promised that he will find the time in the very near future. Some people are worth waiting for!
I’m also going to rearrange the home page during the next week or so. I’m adding a new section which will act as a diary for a new affiliate. In the section you will be able to follow the progress of a new affiliate hopefully on his way to establishing himself in gambling affiliate industry.
I also plan to change some of the other sections as the site is getting cluttered. I also plan to create a new section dedicated to creating content that sells.
Thanks for your support!