Many gambling affiliate believe that to improve their rankings they need to build as many links as possible. They devote a large proportion of their time and finances building links. What does amaze me is that many still believe that a link is a link. They believe that all links are equal so if they keep building links they will achieve better rankings. Other believes that they need to build links with high PR which to some degree is also not correct. Many affiliate build let say 100 links which does helps with SERPs. The trouble is that from the 100 links they build the actual improvement in SERPS is in many cases down to just a couple of links.

Many links have very little power in regards to increasing SERPs. For example just a couple of years ago I had quick and easy success with article marketing. I would write a batch of articles then rewrite them and auto submit them to the top 100 article sites. Using this method within weeks I would see good improvements in my rankings. A Google algo update last year wiped out all of the rankings I had gained with this method last year although it was fun why it lasted. Article links simply don’t have the power they use to.

Nowadays I’m far more selective with the links I build. Building links with good PR can be productive although there are many links with either low PR or in some cases no PR that are very powerful. In simple terms I now understand the metrics of urls so I can cherry pick quality back links. Perhaps this is a topic I will discuss at a later date.

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